Stella Rosalie Rosen

Exhibit Description

Stella Rosalie Rosen is an experimental animator born in Urbana, Illinois and living in Durham, North Carolina. Since 2022 Rosen has worked as visiting lecturer at UNC Chapel Hill’s Department of Art and Art History. Her animated short films have shown in festivals all over the country, including Cosmic Rays, Carrboro Film Festival, San Diego Underground Film Festival, and Bushwick Film Festival.

She holds a BA in Biology from Oberlin College and an MFA in studio art from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and will be Artist in Residence at Shandaken: Governor’s Island in May 2023. In addition to her animation practice, she has created public art for the town of Chapel Hill and is an occasional shadow puppeteer with Deep Time Puppet Company.

Artist Biography

Stella Rosalie Rosen is an experimental animator whose work explores both the inevitabilities of ecological and sociopolitical tragedy, and possible escapes from these futures. Rosen draws on science fiction and fantasy to create loosely narrative animated loops and short films, embracing these genres for their potential in narrative and symbolic interpretation of oppressive systems.

Rosen’s work reflects her own experience of living in a world that is both austere, where certain bodies are routinely degraded and made abject, and beautiful, where she shares a profound respect for the wondrousness of living. The feeling of wonder is a catalyst in Rosen’s work and allows the imagination of futures where both human and non-human kin live in collaboration on the world they share.

Rosen is most at home using pencil on paper to create frame-by-frame animation, but her work often takes a multimedia approach and incorporates stop motion puppetry, video, and replacement animation. An experimental mindset around media allows Rosen a certain amount of fluidity in the making process, and labor plays a large part in determining what materials are best for any given project.


Artist Name(s): Stella Rosalie Rosen
Gallery Location: CAM Little Media Gallery
Current Status: Past
